February 27, 2010


One of the things that Steven and I have in common is our stubbornness. We both like to do things "our" way and neither likes to give in to each other.

We have worked very hard over the past 5 and 1/2 years to make things work. We have argued countless times and then discussed why we differed on a subject countless times. We always seem to find a compromise, but after all this time we still know how to push each others buttons.

It's funny because we have started to do it on purpose. We like arguing with each other. It's funny because we know how the other person is going to react and we know how to make it all better. Most of the time one of us will just start laughing because it's rediculous.

It's part of our relationship and we like it.

We know when to stop pushing buttons and we know when to just be quiet.

This is the reason I love him:




We make each other laugh a lot.

February 25, 2010


I am a HUGE Vanderbilt fan. I get it from my parents. My dad is a Vandy Alum and we love going to the games. Tonight the 'Dores took on Georgia in an intense game. Vandy won by 2 in overtime. My hands are red from all the clapping and I'm exhausted, but I want to watch some of the olympics before bed.

I don't have any photos from the basketball game, but here is a good one from the Music City Bowl when Vandy beat Boston College.

February 23, 2010

Wedding Mayhem

I bought a dress and therefore am out of spending money. No money to go to the grocery store (ok, I have plenty of money to go, but don't want to) so I ate at my mom and dad's tonight for dinner.

Mom and I were watching "America's Funniest Videos" while we were eating, which was a mistake. We were laughing all through dinner! I love my mom and we have so much fun together.

After dinner we were working on making/personalizing bridesmaids gifts. I wish I could post them - they are SO cute!

The rest of the week is going to be busy. Tomorrow night is church, Thursday is the Vandy basketball game, and Friday I head to Cookeville for the weekend.

Looking forward to a break from my busy work schedule :)

February 22, 2010


My little brother is not so little. He is 3 years younger than me, but about 6 inches taller than me - He is about 6 foot 4 inches. Growing up we aruged and fought all the time. Now that we are older, we get along much better.

He texted me tonight to let me know that he and his girlfriend (Lauren) will be in Cookeville this Friday and wanted to know if Steven and I would like to meet up with them for dinner. I don't remember telling him that I was also going to be in Cookeville to visit Steven and his friends, but I'm glad that we will be getting to go to dinner.

I asked him why he's going to be up there and his response was: "I'm getting my pred head custom airbrushed by an artist there."

Do you know what a pred head is? There are no words to describe, so here is a photo:

This was what he wore to the Titans game 
and he made it on national television!

There are actual two parts to this costume: The inside and the outside of the "pred head".

You see, this summer the new Predator movie is coming out, and this weird kid is all about it. I don't understand why Jay is weird and likes all of this stuff, but he will buy and sell all of this crazy stuff on ebay.

He is normal - most of the time :)

 At my college graduation dinner.

February 21, 2010

Wedding Countdown

We are less than 4 months away from our wedding! I am so excited and I know that I will only get more excited. There are still many things left to do, but my mom has been helping me so much.

Things left:
  • Groom and groomsman attire
  • Checking on preacher qualifications
  • Final music selections
  • Programs
  • Plane tickets for honeymoon
  • Order cheesecakes for reception
I think that is all of the big stuff. I'm sure many little things will come up, but things are coming together very nicely.

On a sidenote, my parents are getting serious about getting a dog. It has been really hard on them (and all of us) after losing Jake. He was the best dog we ever had and it was awful to lose his so unexpectedly. 

Steven did promise me that we could get a dog after we get married :) I am REALLY excited about that!

This was our last family picture before we had to put him down.
It was our Christmas card.

February 18, 2010

Big Boy Jobs.

Steven is on the hunt for a job after he graduates this May. He'll have a masters in civil engineering and I couln't be any happier for him to graduate!

Now he is trying to weigh his options. Bad economy = not many job options. If he can't find a job, then most likely he will continue his education and get his PhD. He wants to teach one day, so this wouldn't be a bad decision.

He possibly has a couple of options open, but it's still a little early to tell. He is gettin anxious and so am I. Some of these options may involve us moving - but nothing is even close to being set in stone. Plus, I have a really (I mean REALLY) great job and we don't want to lose out on that.

Hopefully, he will find something out. I mean, we are getting married in 4 months! I am such a planner, but this is one thing that I haven't been too worried about. I really haven't stressed about it, but I think Steven is feeling much more pressure than I am.

Just some things that I have been thinking about today.

Well, all my hopes were answered. The sun came out today!!

Obviously I don't live near Lake Tahoe, 
but this was from a trip last fall. 

It was sunny and warm there.

February 17, 2010

Bible Class

In high school, I started helping my mom teach Sunday school at church. In college, I helped teach the 2 year olds. Last year, I was asked to teach the 2 year olds. All by myself. Well, I had a helper, but I had to teach the lessons. It was scary! I had complete control over a class of six 2 year olds for 45 minutes!

I have taught the 2's for almost a year now - with the help of Miss Josie! Josie is two years younger than me, but we have so much fun with our kids. This year we only have 3 or 4 kids on a Wednesday night, and tonight we had 3 VERY energetic kids.

Meet Mackenzie.
She looks scared.

Mackenize is one smart little girl. She knows her memory verse and if she gets excited, she will spit out last quater's verse. She loves to sit in my seat and play teacher before class starts. She has the prettiest smile - she got that from her mom. I can always count on her to give me a funny face.

Meet Lily.
Her brother gave her a haircut that day - mom wasn't happy.

Lily is a fireball. Her two older brothers have taught her well. She doesn't like to sit down, she loves to run around the classroom, but she has the sweetest spirit. She loves to talk and I can always count on her to answer my questions.

Meet Will.

Will just turned 2 and has had a hard time adjusting to life in a "big boy" class. Sometimes his mom comes in with him. Amanda is the sweetest mom and was actually in class the night I took these photos. Tonight, he was a big boy and came to class by himself. He knew his memory verse, sang "God our Father", helped pick up the crayons, and even answered questions - God is our father in heaven!

Meet Andrew.
 He looked really scared, so we took another :)

Andrew and his family are new to our church. He and his big sister are adopted from Africa and he has stolen my heart. He doesn't quite have his words yet, but what he does say is so funny. I can't stop laughing when he is in class. He loves to give the girls hugs and loves to sit in my lap. He is one chunk of a little boy, but his is so strong!

These kids are a great pick-me-up in the middle of the week. Yes, they are super hyper and make me tired, but they make me happy and always leave me with a smile on my face.

February 16, 2010

More Snow

I NEVER thought I would say it, but it's time for the snow to go. End of story. I'm tired of it being so cold. I'm tired of the school closings going by on the bottom of the screen and most importantly, I'm really ready for the sunshine.

There are some things that are nice, the winter olympics are on.. so much for working out tonight. I've got my sweatpants and sweatshirt on, I'm under a blanket and plan to lay on the couch for the next several hours watching men's figure skating. Not as exciting as snowboarding, but apparently that is coming on next. In the meantime, I will dream about the beach :)

This is Rotnest Island, Austraila. 
Jay took this photo on his mission trip.

Mr. Sunshine, will you please come out sometime soon?

In desperate need of some sun.

February 15, 2010

Snow Day

Today was fun because I rode with my dad to Nashville and he dropped me off at work. The roads were too icy and he didn't want me to mess my new car up. What a dad he is! I am a total daddy's girl and it's fun to do stuff together. When I was in elementary and middle school he coached my softball team, he's always been a great supporter of me being in Girl Scouts, helped me with countless math problems (he even helped me with one tonight!), taught me to drive, and got me through college.

I've helped him with numerous house projects (stopped up toilets, painting, building things, yard work, etc.) and I always am the one to make sure he doesn't have a heart attack when he can't find the right tool in the barn.

I can't wait to have my dad walk me down the aisle at the wedding. The only fear I have is that he will cry - I know he will cry. And the domino effect with start. He cries > I cry > I cry > Mom cries > Jay cries > everyone cries.

The solution = we are going to pump up the fun music and we are going to have a ball!

So, here is one of my favorite recent photos of me and my dad on my 21st bday.

February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

I hate being mushy, I'll try my best not to be.

This was the 6 Valentine's day for Steven and I... and the best one yet. We didn't do a traditional date and it was perfect. Yesterday (the 13th), we spent most of the day together and really enjoyed each other's company. We went to the Vandy vs. LSU basketball game to cheer on our 'Dores (who won!) and then we went back to my house where he proceeded to watch TV while I cleaned for company.

It's nice having someone who will help me during commercials. It's hard to ask for help because I would probably spend more time telling him what goes where than if I did it myself, but none the less, he did a great job helping. He finally got my christmas tree box to the garage... I have been avoiding this box like the plauge.

I still needed to run to the grocery for some items for company and he needed to pick up a movie for us to watch. When he got back home, there was a dozen white roses in his hands. It's funny he didn't get red because at some point in our relationship, I said that red was cheesy. He remembered this. I didn't. Either way I was pleased and we had fun putting them in the vase.

For our 2nd anniversary, he got me the pink roses and the vase that I still use each time he gets me flowers.

For lunch today, we had other couples over from church today - including our brothers and their girlfriends. Even though Steven and I are three years older than the other couples, it's fun getting to know them. Tyler and Alyssa have dated for 3 years (I think) and it's been really fun getting to know them. I'm excited that Alyssa is going to be one of my bridesmaids and I hope that I will one day be one of hers :)

In NYC this past summer!

February 12, 2010

The Little Things

It really is all about the little things that make me happy. Last night I got to spend time with the Mayberry/Matheny family. It's wonderful to be marrying into such a large family. Mine is small and growing up I was very close to my family.

Here are the highlights of my new family:

I love my little flower girls (Steven's cousins) - they are so sweet and have such a fun time together. There is nothing cooler than watching them learn and grow.

 (Sorry about the closed eyes!)

This was the night I asked them to be my flower girls :)

The Matheny boys in a nutshell are hilarious. I didn't realize how much I laughed with them until a few weeks ago.

I started looking and couldn't find the photo I wanted, but this gives you the idea...

Picture this: All three of the boys wrestling with their dad, while the girls watch from the couch... only jumping in when feet tickling is involved.

And of course I love my supportive parents.

One of my favorite quotes I found after I graduated high school is...

"Always my mother, now my friend"

Soon I will have a mother in law that is also my friend.

Oh, and I should probably mention that I love to spend the night at home watching a movie with Steven... Tonight is going to be the perfect Valentine date ever.

This is his poker face. Seriously. He was playing poker.

February 11, 2010

I Hate Cleaning

With. A. Passion.

During the summer, when I was little, one of the things I helped my mom do was clean. Clean the bathrooms, make the bed, wash the dishes... the list goes on and on. It was miserable, but then again I could have been out in the yard. I like the air-condition. I happily stayed in side and cleaned... with the TV on watching country music videos. I got away with this because technically, I was only listening.

I am having my brother and his girlfriend, Tyler (Steven's brother) and his girlfriend (Alyssa - one of my bridesmaids) and another couple from church over for Valentine's day lunch. Hence, the topic of cleaning. That is all I have done for the past 2 hours. I am not a dirty person, but I have the habit of waiting two weeks to do laundry, cleaning out the fridge only before company, and waiting to dust until it is absolutely necessary. Tonight it was vital.

I was so impressed with my own bathroom cleaning skills that I sent Steven a picture on my phone. He was also impressed.

Needless to say, I totally deserve my dessert tonight... after I workout.

February 10, 2010

Something New

I am a social networking specialist. I read blogs for a living and try to find relevant ways to apply them to my clients. However, writing blogs is something I am new at - so hang in there with me. I wanted to start this blog as a way for me to express funny things that happen in our life. I have found a new love for reading blogs this week - mostly after realizing how many people I know are sharing their lives via blogging.

Having said that, let me catch you up on my life. I am engaged to my best friend and I can't wait to marry him. We are ready to finally be living together after our 5 1/2 years of dating and are excited to start our lives together. Needless to say, the wedding is starting to consume most of our conversation and for the next couple of months, it will be my focus on here.

One thing that I wanted to knock out right away, after Steven popped the question, was my photographer. I knew exactly who I wanted to use! Courtney went to high school with Steven and she is amazing!

Here is one of my favorite pictures from our engagement session by Courtney Helton.