August 31, 2010


These are some of my favorites of Steven and I.

August 30, 2010

House Stuff.

I cannot describe how happy I am right now. Steven and I are learning to work together. Apparently I am a busy body who has to be constantly working on something. Today I had planned on coming home to make dinner, while it was baking my plan was to spray paint our patio table and then eat. Next, I'd spray a second dose of weed killer around the yard and then tackle the mulch trim.

And then it started sprinkling.

So, I piddled for a few minutes and decided that it was only going to keep spitting - so out in the yard I went. After the Atlanta Braves finished batting, Steven joined in to help.

And half of the front of the house looks amazing, but it was dark when we finished, so I didn't get any photos - I'll do that in the morning.

The past couple of months have been interesting. Steven and I have really had to adjust to being around each other 24/7. It's been so amazing and difficult at the same time. One minute we are ready to kill each other and the next we just want to lay on the couch and watch a movie. We've had to work hard to find the right balance. I want the yard to look nice and Steven doesn't really care. He only cares becuase I care. We've had our screaming moments and our apologetic moments.

I'm really looking forward to the rest of the month. We've got a trip to Atlanta planned with his family and a trip to visit Sarah and Cage in Biloxi. I'm looking forward to hanging out with friends.

August 28, 2010

Yard Work.


I was hoping to post some photos of our before and after yard work... but it'll have to wait. I worked myself so hard that I had a bad case of dehydration this afternoon and ended up laying in bed for 3 hours. I feel better now.

Here's the run down of this eventful Saturday:

8:30 am - Woke up, ate cereal
9:00 am - Went to mom and dads to borrow their truck and yard stuff that we can't afford to buy (shrub trimmer, shovels, etc.)
9:30 am - Got back home and started my yard work
10:00 am - Realized it was HOT and went inside to get a big glass of ice water

Don't worry - I refilled several times throughout the day - I guess just not enough.

11:45 am - Steven and I ran up to Home Depot to get more yard supplies (gloves, mulch, weed killer)
12:30 pm - Got home and ate lunch and then back in the yard we went
2:45 pm - Steven went rock climbing and I cleaned the yard stuff up and hit the showers
3:15 pm - I couldn't stand up without getting dizzy - got in the bed
3:30 pm - Steven rushed home to check on me
4:00 pm - Could not move and somewhere around here I got sick
4:15 pm - Steven had called my mom, my dad and his mom (he freaks out when I get sick)
5:00 pm - Mom called to check on me and woke me up

She wanted to make sure I was okay, I wanted to tell her how amazing the yard looked

5:30 pm - Realized I was STARVING
6:00 pm - Steven made me Mac N Cheese, wathed TV and ate a bazillion oreos

Steven kept coming in the bedroom asking which mac n cheese I liked best, which pot to use, "Are you sure your hungry?" "YES, when am I not hungry?" - We had that discussion a couple of times.

7:00 pm - I got bored and went back outside to do more yard work

Steven was watching my every move. I'm pretty sure he thought I was going to pass out or something - Don't worry, I didn't.

Now I'm on the couch, monitoring my bug bites and reading Harry Potter & the Order of the Pheonix. It's book 5 and I'm determined to get through all of them before the movie comes out in November :)

August 24, 2010


I am officially a domesticated housewife. I worked in the yard for close to 2 hours tonight and you should see the front of our house. The bushes look great!

I really do have some amazing parents. Steven is out of town tonight, so mom and dad came down to help me. Dad mowed the yard while mom pulled weeds and I trimmed all the bushes.

I am exhausted - yard work is tough stuff. As my mom says... if everyone worked in the yard for a couple hours a day, nobody would need to go to the gym :)

August 23, 2010


I have never been the girl to save her money. I've always worked hard to earn my money... and then promptly blow it on clothes, scrapbooking/crafts, clothes, food, clothes and did I mention clothes?

Well, Steven and I have been working really hard on saving our money. He is what I like to call "a penny-pincher", but I still love him. We've worked hard on a budget and I've really been trying to stick to it. I've been asking before spending money on clothes. I've been buying Groupons to save money. I've been only buying necessities at the grocery store. We've been eating leftovers (yuck! This is what I've had the hardest time getting used to. I just don't like leftovers).

And all this saving better pay off :)

August 17, 2010


When I am ready to be a mom... I want to look at life like this mom.

August 4, 2010


Tomorrow is my birthday and I don't know what's wrong with me. I haven't been excited at all. In fact, until last week, I forgot that it was my birthday. I don't know if it's because I've been so busy at work and Steven's been traveling or what. 

I had dinner tonight with my best friend, Julie, and that got me in the mood :)

We had dinner at P.F. Changs went shopping at T.J.Maxx and dessert at Sweet Cee Cee's. Which by the way, if you live in the Nashville area, is a MUST.  I'm pretty sure Steven and I will be going there again this weekend!

Tomorrow at 12:46 pm, I'll turn 23.

And I'm finally excited... let's see what presents I get :)

August 2, 2010


There are so many things going on right now. Steven is getting settled with his new job. I'm adjusting to being a house wife - this whole cleaning, laundry and dishes thing is alot more work with two people. My mom always warned me that boys are messy... and she was right! We are trying to figure out where to put our stuff. I am still trying to tackle our catch-all bedroom - it's full of stuff!

Work is keeping me VERY busy. I've had 3 social discoveries in the past week, which means that I have SO much work to do!

Ok, just wanted a quick update and NEED to tackle this extra bedroom tonight.