April 24, 2012


I have always enjoyed going to hockey games. I mean, I've gone to at least one game each season since the Nashville Predators have been around. I'm not some hockey junky, but I do love to see a good fight. With the 2012 Stanley Cup Playoffs in full swing, I've found myself wanting to do nothing but watch hockey. Get home from work, workout, cook dinner (aka, warm something up really quick) and get on the couch with my hubby and the dog dog to watch hockey. Yes, all three of us on a little couch watching hockey. It's all cozy and perfect.... until the dog decides to climb all over us trying to catch her own tail. Silly dog.

July 26, 2011


I bleed green. Not literally, but I am a lifetime member of Girl Scouts and have always proudly and loudly declared that I'm a Girl Scout. GSUSA (Girl Scouts of the USA) is going through some major changes and I'm glad to be the go-to person at our council with this information.

Tonight I was presenting the new material to some of our volunteers and I started crying.
Crying in the middle of my presentation.

Why? Well, I'm not pregnant... I'm passionate. I want every girl involved in Girl Scouts to experience some of the things I did and to be PROUD to be a Girl Scout. I was trying to get our volunteers to realize that if a mom holds her daughters hand through Girl Scouts, then the girl isn't getting the true Girl Scout experience. A girl is supposed to gain courage, confidence and character through her Girl Scouting experience. I could give a laundry list of things that I have been a part of due to my Girl Scouting experiences, but what I really want to do is help girls gain the skills they need to be independent, graceful, and self aware of their abilities.

So, tonight I cried. Not a blubbery cry, but a teary eyed "What in the world is going on with me!!"

And I got in the car to come home and I felt GREAT about my job. I am where I need to be. I feel like I am at "home" and helping make a difference.