May 31, 2010

18 Days.

WOW. I really can't believe tomorrow starts wedding month: June.

The DIY wedding projects are in full swing and I'm super excited to be checking things off the list.

Alyssa came over this morning and we paininted 14 clay pots that we are going to be putting flowers in for decoartion at the church. I have cut out little cartoons that we are going to be attaching to the favors. I have cleaned out my guest bedroom that has become the catch all for junk. I have written almost ALL of my thank you notes... I'm lacking on 2 or 3.

That being said, I still have many more things to check off, but I'm feeling pretty good about it all :)

May 27, 2010

Girl Talk.

The other night, I had some girls over for girl time. It was perfect. We ate and talked for almost 3 hours. I have missed having girl time. For so long I have squeezed in time with my girl friends whenever I could. My weekends were reserved for Steven. 

But, after the other night, I realized I need to set time aside to just do girl things. Like watch sappy movies, cook dinner, paint, and just hang out.

So, I am making a goal to have girl time once a month. I know that doesn't sound like much, but considering everyone is super busy no matter what... I think we'll start with once a month.

Here is a photo from the other night - we really did have fun :)

May 26, 2010


It is amazing how many different television shows there are... and how many I watch on a weekly basis. Tuesday nights are my favorite because it's NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, The Good Wife, The Hills, and The City. It sounds insane, but I usually end up catching up on some of the shows during the week.

I'm glad that Steven and I generally like the same shows and can't wait to watch some together!

May 19, 2010

4 Weekends

Since Steven and I have dated long distance for the past 5 years, I count when we see each other by weekends. You heard me...

We are getting married in 4 weekends!

I have cleaned out a closet and am working on cleaning out his entire room/office. I'm getting VERY excited about finally gtting married and couldn't be any happier.

Okay, back to cleaning out closets :)

May 14, 2010

Bridal Portaits


I have been told by some family and friends that I have been anything but a "bridezilla" for the wedding. My mottos is "fun. we are going to have fun." and I've tried to do just that. I haven't stressed about anything thus far. I've been calm, picked out what I wanted, not changed my mind, and gone with the flow. I don't care that we got the flower girl dresses at T.J. Maxx. I don't care if we have a "cheap" wedding, but I don't want it to look cheap or cheesy.

SO - today when I woke up and it was a 60% chance of rain... I wanted to cry. I had this perfect vision of me standing in a wide open field with my veil blowing in the wind with partly cloudy skies overhead. Well, this rain was ruining everything for about 5 minutes. I LOVE my photographer and at 4:15 today we decided to scrap the field idea and move everything inside to the Factory.

I am SO happy with this decision and as our luck would have it, we were able to capture some gorgeous (if I do say so myself) phots outside at the very end. I wish I could post them right now, but Courtney has some editing to do... and I want to keep my dress a secret from Steven.

Needless to say, this is the only bump we've had in all 11 months of planning - and I welcomed this one with ease. I think. Check with my mom. She may have a different answer :)

May 12, 2010


Today is May 12th and we are only 37 days out from being married - and obviously I'm slacking on the blogging.

Here's what I've been up to for the past week and a half:
finished labeling and mailing invites
writing more thank you notes - not yet completed
my grandmother was in the hospital and is now in the nursing home... dealing with lots of pain issues in her knees
visited with Cage and Sarah - he left for basic training yesterday
recycled about a million boxes from wedding gifts
cleaned for about 4 solid hours
went to the Barenaked Ladies concert
and was able to hang out with Steven for a little bit
Sounds baseball game with work
Matthew's bday

What I'm getting ready for:
bridal portaits on Friday... Hair, Makeup, Nails... all that jazz
ladies get together for church
Sounds baseball game with dads work
Dads bday

Can you say exhausted???

May 3, 2010

Beach and Flood

This weekend was the craziest one in a while. We had a great time at the beach while Franklin was flooding.



Nashville is under water. Neighborhoods are completely under water. Hundreds, if not thousands, of cars are under water. Thousands are still without power. Almost all Nashville colleges canceled class today - something that hasn't happened in over 100 years. It has beet utterly devastating, but God is in control of all things. I'm going to post photos when I get a chance.