November 24, 2010


We are this close to being homeowners. And I could just do cart wheels right now. I am excited to start a new chapter in our lives. I'm ecstatic because we've rented for so long. I'm ready to start decorating MY house... and here's something I fell in love with over at The Brick Cottage

November 20, 2010


It's hard to believe we are SO close to Thanksgiving! I have been extremely busy the past couple of weeks... dealing with the mortgage company and trying to get a contract executed for the house we are trying to purchase. It also complicated things that I was out of town this past week presenting at a conference for social media. Yes, I presented and it went so well!

Today Steven and I went with his family on a walk to Radnor Lake. Afterwards, he went with his uncles to go rock climbing and I went with mom to visit our neighbors lake house. It was gorgeous! They just finished rennovating and it was stunning.

I am really excited about this coming weekend. We'll be celebrating Thanksgiving with both of our fmilies and then we'll head to Gatlinburg with his family for the weekend.

So ready for a break :)

November 7, 2010

Working Out.

I have never been the girl to voluntarily work out. NEVER. My dad likes to remind me that when I played soccer in 3rd grade, I played mid-field. I stood in the middle of the field and watched the game. Don't get me wrong. I love to play sports. I played tennis all through high school and was pretty darn good, but I hated (I mean loathed, I mean with all my heart avoided) conditioning.

Fast forward to my sophomore year of college when I was a walk-on for the tennis team. First day of fall practice... run a mile. I about DIED. I was the last girl to finish and I'm sure the coach was thinking "What I have done!" But, over the entire year I worked really hard. I was determined not to be the last girl to finish. By that winter I was running 4 miles... and only have to walk every now and then. By the end of that year I could run 4 miles really easily and was stoked. I didn't continue to play after that year, but man was I in shape. Too bad I didn't keep up with it.

I've never been the skinny girl, but always the athletic tall girl. I am 5'9" and always loved to eat. Last Janurary, I made it a goal to work out at least 5 days a week and get in shape for the wedding. I even lost 3 inches off my waist!!! Then, wedding time came and I was way too busy and dropped the workouts. And then post-wedding time came and I was eating whatever and not working out.

Well, this past Monday I decided to start working out again. Just to get back in shape... and to lose the muffin top over my jeans :)

I'm really proud of myself. I've worked out my 5 days this week!!! I need to focus on eating a little better, but my goal was to start working out and I did it!

Now, let's just see how long it takes for Steven to join me.

November 5, 2010

Where have I been?

TOO BUSY. That's where I've been.

On a Friday night, I just woke up from a 2 1/2 hour nap. We came home from work, worked out ate dinner and I CRASHED on the couch.

Steven is excited... He has to defend his thesis this coming Thursday for his Master's. Why is he excited and not stressed? Oh, he's stressed. BUT, it also means that he is this close to finishing and getting a raise! And I'm excited because he can't use it as an excuse to get out of stuff :)

Ok, I promise myself I'll start doing better... but for now. A chick flick awaits.