June 29, 2010


Yesterday, Steven and I got into the dumbest argument. 

He starts his job next week, so this week he's at home working on his thesis to finish up his masters. I had been told that when I got home from work that the dishes would be done. They weren't. 

Of course, I wasn't happy. 
 Of course, he didn't understand why. 

He said he'd get to them eventually. Eventually should have been before I got home. 
We argued off and on all night. 

We went to bed in a better mood - we've started playing on our phones while we lay in bed. Doodle Bowl has to be the coolest iPhone App ever. We each play on our phones and see who has the best score at the end.
He usually wins. 
This morning when I left the house I promised I would come home in a better mood.

I came home really excited because we get to see him family tonight at my parents house. We are having left over wedding cake, homemade ice cream, we get to play with my parents new puppies (a post to come!) and we get to hang out in the pool.

I came home to a freshly mowed yard (thanks to my bro for helping him), dinner cooked, our bed made (complete shocker!) and Steven said he got quite a bit done on his paper today.

So, I am one happy girl right now. 

I was told never go to bed angry. I don't think that is necessarily true. We didn't go to bed angry, but we weren't exactly happy with each other either. I know that we have so much to learn about each other, even if we have dated 5 1/2 years. I am happy that I get to spend the rest of my life arguing with my best friend. 

This is my favorite photo of the evening... ruined by Steven's brother. 
Thanks, Tyler!

(It's not ruined... just in need of some editing!)

June 26, 2010


That's my new title. I'm a Mrs. and I couldn't be happier. The wedding day went by way too quicky and was so much fun! It was great to spend it with the people I care most about. I am waiting to get some photos from those who had cameras, but here are some that I have.

The day started out bright and early... headed to hair and makeup.

Headed to Building 8 to get dressed and start taking photos.
So glad that Grand was able to make it out for some photos.
My beautiful bouquet.
Those silly flower girls wanted our shoes.
This is our amazing rock candy cake... 
and the flower girls waiting for their piece :)
Some of my work girls.
Julie, Hayley and I.
Steven... these are out of order...
The groomsmen and ringbearer.
John getting his thoughts together.. 
My beautiful mom and mother in law (whose hair looks amazing curled!).
The best photo of the entire day!

Here's the story... I was told very firmly not to tweet or facebook during the ceremony. Well, I had a pocket put in my dress that just happened to hold my phone very nicely! Right after we were pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Steven Matheny, I asked the minister (Steven's Uncle John) to take our photo on my iPhone... which I promptly tweeted as soon I we walked back down the aisle.

It was a wonderful day full of family and friends who helped pull this day off. 
Without their help and willingness to break a sweat, it wouldn't have happened.

I can't wait to get the video and photos back... and when I do, I will be sure to show them off :)

June 18, 2010


This has been a pretty amazing experience! I am SO FREAKING excited... 
Just wait till you see a picture of my hot pink rock candy wedding cake. Yes, that is what I'm most excited about.

June 7, 2010

Next Week.

You heard that right. We are getting married NEXT WEEK. I might have had a little heart attack this morning when I realized how close it is!

So much to do... not really... and so little time... really.
Some things left on the list:
  • Buy my dad a suit (hopefully tonight)
  • Print the programs (after I confirm some middle names)
  • Wrap gifts for the wedding party
  • Finalize program for the reception/celebration
  • Print engagement and bridal photos for reception photo frames

I'm sure I'm forgetting something... hopefully I'll remember before next week.

This past weekend, I helped Steven move stuff out of his apartment. It was bittersweet - that was (hopefully) my last trip to Cookeville for a very long time!

We also attended a wedding for our friends Lindsay and Andrew. Lindsay kept talking to me about my wedding, but it was her day! The wedding was outside in the groom's backyard and it was lovely! They had the big white tent and all :)

Looking forward to seeing all of our friends in 11 days!