March 30, 2010


Tonight was so much fun - the boys all purchased their suits for the wedding. I must say that it was a lot more fun than I thought it'd be.

We chose wool satin black suits, white shirts, pink ties for the groomsmen, and a black tie for Steven in a matching print.

Matthew proudly showing off the wedding attire.
Minus everything excpet the actual suit.

March 29, 2010

SO Proud.

I am so proud of Steven.

We had such a great weekend and he presented a lesson at church last night. He did a great job and I'm going to brag about him :)

He also had a job interview last week that went really well and he has another lined up for this week.

All of his hard work is paying off and I am one proud bride.

PS - our engagement announcement 
was in the Sunday paper with this photo :)

March 25, 2010


Watching the NCAA tournament. Vandy got knocked out early. I'll always be a Vandy fan and will always cheer on the underdog.

March 22, 2010


I am a social networking specialist. Yes, you heard (read) me correctly. I am on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, MySpace, and social networking platforms that haven't made their official debut all day long. Yes, that all sounds like fun, but the best part of my job are the people I work with.

I started my job as an intern my senior year of college and started full time the Monday after college graduation. I majored in marketing and that's exactly what I do everyday, but it's not direct marketing. My job is not about shouting at people to pay attention to my clients, but to ensure that a voice is present on the social networks that is interacting with the consumers.

The fun part of my job is meeting with my clients and brainstorming with the media team.

Tonight the P|R team got to mix and mingle with current (and hopefully future) clients and vendors that we work with on a daily basis. We sponsored an event at the Parthenon and wore our mandtory attire: ladies in all black with hot pink boas, men in black with hot pink ties and pink and black van tennis shoes.

Needless to say, we don't disappoint when we show up as a company. Here's the best photo of the night:

Too bad we could not put a boa on Athena :)

March 20, 2010


Our wedding countdown is in full swing. Less than 3 months. 90 days to be exact.

We had the flower girls try on their dresses tonight (just to make sure they weren't growing too fast).

 The ring bearer couldn't take it - had to join the fun and totally surprised me!

 Ben is a hoot. So lively and annimated!

I LOVE the family I am marrying into. This month also celebrates one of Steven's uncles 2 year sobriety mark. I was honored when Maggie asked me to paint him an ice cream bowl at Third Cost Clay. He eats ice cream every night before bed - and what a great reminder that his entire family is so proud of him!

I didn't get a photo of it after it was finished, but here is the before:

On the outside, I painted "Way To Go!" in different languages: French, German, Spanish, and Dutch.

Overall it was a great night and I am so blessed my family gets along with my future family in law.

March 19, 2010

Weekend With No Plans

I am so excited about this weekend. It's going to be a much needed break. I have no plans - ok, maybe some. But they are so totally chill, that it's almost like have no plans at all.

On the agenda:
  • Laundry
  • Sewing with my mom
  • Dinner with the Mayberry clan - a.k.a The Future Family :)
  • Meeting with my wedding coordinator

Steven is at Aubrn this weekend with the ASCE conference (engineering stuff) and will fly to Chicago on Sunday for another conference. Lucky duck. I better get a cool t-shirt or something.

Yesterday also marked our "We're getting married in 3 months. Holy crap there is a lot to get done" day.

On a fun note, I ate dinner with my parents last night and then worked on wedding stuff with my mom. I was downloading songs for the reception and put them on her iPod. Check out this sweet pic:

She had her headphones in and was singing along to the music. I couldn't hear the music - only her off key singing. It made me laugh so hard when she realized what she was doing. I LOVE MY MOM.

March 15, 2010


Yesterday morning I had a complete meltdown when I was getting ready for church.

I had woken up a couple of times during the night with a stuffy nose and managed to crawl out of the bed and get ready. I had picked out my clothes the night before and was super excited because it was a new dress.

5 minutes after my I was supposed to leave, I realized that my dress was too short for church. FAIL. I ran back to my closet to change into some pants. Couldn't find my pants. The same pants I hung up the night before. MAJOR FAIL. My mom was picking me up for church and just as I was searching for something different to wear, my mom was outside honking the horn at me.

At this point, I am sick and frustrated. I hated the skirt I grabbed, but we were running late.

I got in the car and just started crying.

Not how I wanted to start my week.... but it got better. She took me to Longhorn for lunch :)

March 14, 2010


I have caught whatever cold that Steven and my brother have had. It's been a long time since I have been this exhausted. I've been on the couch for the past 6ish hours. I did manage to get up and fix some mac and cheese for dinner... and then crawl back to the couch.

I am trying to rest up for work tomorrow. I have reserved all but 2 of my sick days... Getting married takes up too much vacation time :)

Watching the end of my t.v. show then heading to bed - I gotta knock this thing!

March 10, 2010


This is a topic that I have struggled with for the past 5 1/2 years. I have written many journal entries and had many conversations with Steven, but I just can't get past this. It's not something I think about all the time, but every now and then something reminds me of them. This happened tonight and I needed a way to vent.

I have had so many fabulous friends over the course of my lifetime.  I have lost some friends that I thought would be with me for the rest of my life. I have gained some friends that I know will be my friends forever and who have been so very true to me and I only hope that I have been the same to them in return.

The hardest part has been losing the friends that I thought were my bests. I know God allows things to happen for a reason and he has bigger and better plans for me. But, I have struggled with not knowing if I could have done anything more to save these friendships. The friends that I lost were girls I imagined being in my wedding and planning without them has been difficult because in the back of my head I'm wondering what it'd be like with them.

I had to make some really hard decisions - choosing between my family, my religion, Steven, my well-being and these friends. I do not regret any decisions I made, but I do wonder if I had handled some conversations differently if the outcomes would have been different.

As a Christian, I knew I would face battles that would test my faith. I just never thought it would come from someone I had known my entire life.

Here are questions that I have, but never had the chance to ask:

Was it hard for you to throw away our friendship?
What did you tell your parents?
Did you blame me?
Does it not bother you that our lifetime of friendship just desolved?
Did it not bother you when you were hurting me?
What could I have done differently? (Not that I would have chosen a different path, but I'm curious).

All of the situations were completely different. All of the people were completely different. All of these things happened at completely different times. I'm wondering if the reason the friendships fell apart was my fault. I don't like to think it was. I don't think I've changed. I firmly believe that I've stuck to my morals and beliefs (which were the same before and after these fall outs). I've grown and matured since then - I'm not sure some of my old friends have.

I am extremely happy with the people that are currently in my life, but I really do miss some of my old friends. We have gotten together for dinner and things, but something is missing. We have grown apart and I'll be the first one to admit that maybe when our friendships ended it was the best thing.

March 4, 2010


I have been told my recent brides that the worst part of the planning is collecting all of the addresses. They were right....I am in need of several. I am hanging out with Steven's family on Saturday night, so I figure that I will be able to get most of his side of the family at that time.

I had dinner with my maid of honor tonight and it was a great time! I picked up cupcakes for dessert so she could try out my vendor. As expected, she loved them :)

Her brother is getting married the weekend before me and it's about 4 hours away from here. Needless to say, our schedules are getting BUSY. I realized that I have something going on EVERY SINGLE weekend in April. May is just as busy with birthdays and gradutations. Not to mention all of the wedding planning that I will be trying to wrap up.

I can already tell that I will be totally ready for the honeymoon. I will need a vacation.

March 3, 2010

107 Days

Steven and I are getting married 107 days from today. I'm not counting down or anything...