July 26, 2011


I bleed green. Not literally, but I am a lifetime member of Girl Scouts and have always proudly and loudly declared that I'm a Girl Scout. GSUSA (Girl Scouts of the USA) is going through some major changes and I'm glad to be the go-to person at our council with this information.

Tonight I was presenting the new material to some of our volunteers and I started crying.
Crying in the middle of my presentation.

Why? Well, I'm not pregnant... I'm passionate. I want every girl involved in Girl Scouts to experience some of the things I did and to be PROUD to be a Girl Scout. I was trying to get our volunteers to realize that if a mom holds her daughters hand through Girl Scouts, then the girl isn't getting the true Girl Scout experience. A girl is supposed to gain courage, confidence and character through her Girl Scouting experience. I could give a laundry list of things that I have been a part of due to my Girl Scouting experiences, but what I really want to do is help girls gain the skills they need to be independent, graceful, and self aware of their abilities.

So, tonight I cried. Not a blubbery cry, but a teary eyed "What in the world is going on with me!!"

And I got in the car to come home and I felt GREAT about my job. I am where I need to be. I feel like I am at "home" and helping make a difference.